Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reading at Waipahu Public Library

What a great afternoon at Waipahu Public Library! Thank you, Arlene Ching for inviting me! I had so much fun and the kids enjoyed their bowls of saimin...

Monday, October 4, 2010

In Hawaii Book Blog

Oct 4: For Author Interview, click HERE.

Sept 27: A great review on Plenty Saimin! Click HERE.

Monday, September 27, 2010

In Star Advertiser's Career Changers blog

To read about my book launch at Native Books/Na Mea Hawaii at Ward Warehouse, Honolulu, click HERE.

Friday, September 24, 2010


HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Island Paradise Publishing has scheduled a book launch weekend for our latest children's picture book, Plenty Saimin, starting Saturday, September 25, 2010 at Hawaii's Plantation Village in Waipahu and Sunday, September 26, 2010 at Native Books/Na Mea Hawaii, Ward Warehouse.

Click HERE to watch interview.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In The News

Hutchins' First Book has Plenty of Lessons For Keiki
by Rasa Fournier

Lessons about sharing get a local twist in the new children's book Plenty Saimin, written by Pearl City resident Feng Feng Hutchins.

The book hearkens back to 1950s rural life in Hawaii. In the story, birthday boy Ah Kee heads to the market with his mother, all the while inviting friends to join him for noodles. After all, says Ma, "You must eat long noodles for long life."

But any worries Ma might have had about feeding the ever-growing number of guests are relieved when each person arrives with an ingredient to add to the pot.

"(In the plantation days) people shared more freely, even when times were hard," Hutchins said, adding that children represents the various ethnicities from the plantation era working together to create saimin, a dish inspired by Japanese, Chinese and Filipino dishes.

Hutchins found inspiration for the book's storyline in her own childhood in Malaysia.

"I remember my mom making 'long life' noodles for my birthdays," she said. "It was always a family affair, we never had big parties. So, in Plenty Saimin I wanted to invite every kid I see on the way to the market."

Today, she continues the tradition of cooking saimin for her young son and daughter, for whom she makes the dish almost every day.

Hutchins immigrated to California nearly 30 years ago, and when city life lost its appeal, her family headed to West Oahu, where they've lived for seven years.

Over the past few years, Hutchins has had several short stories published in compilation books such as Bamboo Ridge, but she always hoped to move on to bigger projects. "The thought of writing a novel scared me, so I decided to try a children's book," she explained. It didn't hurt that she was intimately familiar with the material, having read stacks and stacks of stories to her own children, sometimes checking out "20 to 30 picture books at a time from the library."

Plenty Saimin is being released by Island Paradise Publishing, which is responsible for the popular Kimo series: Surf's Up for Kimo, Kimo's Summer Vacation and Kimo's Surfing Lesson. The colorful illustrations for Plenty Saimin are provided by Nanakuli-born Adriano F Abatayo III.

Hutchins will be on hand for a book launch celebration and signing from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p. m. Sept 25 at Hawaii's Plantation Village (94-695 Waipahu St.). The first 25 signed copies come with a free pack of saimin. For more information, visit

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Authors' Night @ Wahiawa Public Library

Wahiawa Public Libarary
6-8pm August 3

by Carol Devenot


by Audrey Sutherland


by Feng Feng Hutchins

by Kerry Germain

When I was invited to talk about my new children's book, I gladly accepted the offer. Here were some questions Noelle presented to us that night:

What got you in writing?

As a kid growing up in Malaysia, the only books my parents bought were textbooks. I only read when I HAD to, so reading was sort of like a punishment. I never thought I would become an author. When I first came to America twenty years ago, I was homesick. Writing short stories became my way of coping with these feelings and adjusting to new life. Now I enjoy writing for children...

How easy or hard was publishing in Hawaii?

I think it's hard to get published no matter where you are. One publisher said she enjoyed my book but wanted me to try back in a year or two. I assumed there was no budget then. One said old time stories don't sell. Almost all rejection letters or slips that I have received do not say why. Whatever their reasons maybe, you just need to have the right book at the right time. Island Paradise Publishing read my manuscript and loved it instantly!

What is your favorite part of the book that you are presenting tonight?

Since I love to eat, I must say the ending is my favorite part where all the children sat down to enjoy their bowls of saimin. Also, I included a simple recipe for children to prepare with their family.

My little display table at the Children's section of the library

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming this September!

2010 Island Paradise Publishing
9" x 8.5" Hardcover/44 pages $12.95
ISBN 978-0-9705889-6-8

Age 3 to 8

To pre-order a copy from my publisher, click here

Birthday boy Ah Kee couldn't wait for his long life noodles. On his way to the market with Ma he invites friend after friend to join him for noodles. Will Ma have enough to feed everyone he's invited? As the noodles are being prepared one by one each guest brings an ingredient to add to the pot. Not too much, just what they can offer. Soon all gather to celebrate Ah Kee's birthday.

"This book is a tribute to the late 1950's rural life style here in Hawaii. A time when folks farmed the land and took care of one another so naturally. Something we'd like to always remember, continue to practice and pass on to youngsters."

"For everyone who loves to eat saimin--this book is for you."